Reading is one single activity which is our major tool in life-long learning. There has been tremendous explosion of information. Our generation is facing the problem of information overload. Hence the need for learning reading skill: We need right information, at right place and at right time, to take appropriate actions. Speed-reading and efficient reading can quickly provide us the needed information and is therefore considered an essential attribute in most work environment. We shall Study what reading really means, what are the different purpose for which we read, what techniques we should learn to read effectively. We shall not be dealing with the aspects of speed-reading.
look at list of things we often read:
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Reading |
look at list of things we often read:
- telephone directory
- label on medicine bottle
- street map
- thermometer
- timetable
- notice
- statistics
- engagement diary
- letters
- instructions leaflet
- application form
If I ask you to write down what reading means for you, probably you would come out with a definition in which words like 'understand', 'comprehend', 'interpret', 'decipher', 'identify' might be used by you. For most of us reading is an activity through which we derive meaning out of written text, symbols, graphics or body postures and gestures. However, in our discussions we will restrict the term to reading of text.
Reading is an activity in which the reader attempts to perceive the potential meaning in the written message and then tries to relate the perceived potential meaning to his or her cognitive structure.
Reading is an activity in which the reader attempts to perceive the potential meaning in the written message and then tries to relate the perceived potential meaning to his or her cognitive structure.
Techniques of reading
Readers often have different purpose for reading written messages; written text themselves might be less or more difficult to understand. Therefore one has to adopt Different techniques suitable for the situation. For example, we do not read telephone directory or a direct dictionary the same way, we might read a prescribed textbook; we do not read newspapers and magazines the way we might read a book for review; reading fiction is different from reading a technical treatise. Getting specific piece of information of viewing, comprehension, interpretation, understanding, evaluation, memorization, amusement and entertainment are some important purpose of reading.There are some techniques of reading text material to concentrate on some specific procedures for reading. These techniques are known as
- Skimming
- Scanning
- Glossing
- Questioning
- Mapping
It is a technique of reading to get the 'cream' or gist of the text. Skimming or browsing is useful when time available is short and the reader wants to quickly form some tentative impression about the text or the message.
It is the technique of locating specific information,like a telephone number, name, date, and definition etc., Needed by The Reader. Scanning is used to search specific information from reference book. Before using the techniques the Reader is required to acquaint him or her with the kind of reference system used for classifying information in the text.
It is writing in the margins of the text brief comments, cross references, explanations, observations etc. Glosses are useful while reading the text for the second time; they mark information useful for The Reader, help connect ideas, and also remind about his study plans.
This means writing questions in the margins while reading. The questions might simply indicates what the text tries to answer and assist comprehension, or raise issue beyond the text or simply indicate how The Reader is reading to the text. The questioning also point out the key points in the text.
This is a technique of representing graphically the concept and propositions discussed in the text: A concept map is schematic device for representing a set of Concept meaning amended in a framework of prepositions. Mapping not only indicates the ideas discussed in the text, but also their relationships. Concept maps are useful tools of learning: They can help memorization of Concept structures and also indicate where the learners are making wrong connections, thereby allowing the teacher to correct them. You would certainly realize the 'skimming' and 'scanning' techniques are more useful for in extensive reading for texts; whereas, "Glossing", "questioning" and "mapping" are more appropriate techniques in intensive reading type.
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