Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Presentation techniques

                Presentation Techniques

  In today’s world, various types of presentation are made, ranging from sales presentation, oral reports, persuasion to training session. One needs to be a speaker who is able to captivate the audience from the movement he starts to speak and leave the audience hanging onto every word. At the same time the audience should be able to grasp the information displayed on the screen. Hence one needs to learn presentation techniques.

                Management is the art of getting things done. Presentation is a fast and potentially effective method of getting things done through other people. In managing any project, presentations are used as a formal method for bringing people together to plan, monitor and review its progress. Presentation comprises basically three major parts, which are as follows:

  • Planning for presentation
  • Building contents for presentation
  • Delivering presentation

Importance of Presentation

       In today's professional world only working hard and keeping excellence in our work is  not sufficient to reach to our goals. It is highly essential also that one should be able to present what he is doing in an attractive manner to all those concerned. As we know that whatever we do, in our life whether it is a job, service, business, trading, or any other it’s success not only depends upon it quality but also it depends upon how it is presented to all those who are going to benefit from it. They may be customers, students, teachers, end users, peers, seniors, or any body else.
     So it is highly essential for everyone to understand the importance of presentation and take efforts to develop presentation skills. However the importance varies according to the purpose of presentation, type of presentation, and the profile of the person performing presentation. Every presentation has its own purpose so while focusing on presentation one should not forget the purpose of presentation because this purpose is the main objective of presentation. An effective presentation not only give satisfaction to the presenter but it also gives satisfaction to all those who were delivered the presentation. In short following point gives focus on importance of presentation. 
  • It benefits both presenter and the audience
  • It adds to knowledge of audience.
  • Effective presentation fulfills the purpose of it.
  • Business activities can be performed effectively.
  • Sales promotions can be done effectively.
  • Use of modern techniques has good impact on the audience.
  • It creates awareness in audience

Components of presentation

      The effectiveness of presentation mainly depends upon how one select the components of presentation and the methods of presentation of it. So before proceeding for preparing for presentation one should get himself aware about components of presentation. Here we have discussed some important components of presentation.

  • Main body

              The main body of presentation shall proceed with logical ideas which are arranged In chronological order. It should cover almost all the point the presenter wants to cover during the presentation. It must be clear and brief but also enriched too. The information which is to be presented must be collected from reliable and real sources. It must be presented by various ways and supported with figures, charts, pictures, graphs etc. So as to make it more understandable to the audience. 

  •  Body Language

             This includes gestures, postures, body movements, facial expressions and eye contact. Posture is the way you sit, stand, positions of arms.legs, etc. your posture should be such that audience feels confident about you and enthusiastic to observe and listen to you. While speaking, your hand movements and gestures give an idea about your attitude, personality and other personality traits. Your face is the index of your mind and your facial expressions have a great impact on your presentation. Since facial expressions not only convey your emotions but also convey the reaction to the situation. It is highly essential for the presenter to understand about his own facial expressions. He must have total emotional control during presentation and shall be able to bring proper facial expressions. 

  • Voice culture 

             The presenter should use proper voice and its tone during his speech. His voice should be soft, silky but firm and shall not feel the' audience any type of anger or. arrogance at all.Off course that does not mean that presenter shall always speak at low volume but he must be firm and confident to speak at appropriate sound quality and sound time. The tone used by presenter is very important rather than volume of speech.

  •  Rehearsal

           It is necessary on the part of presenter to carry out rehearsal before actual presentation. This gives clear idea about how the presentation takes place. This helps the presenter to enhance his performance, remember the key concepts, use of proper gestures, modify any thing during presentation and avoid probable mistakes at actual presentation. 

  • Time 

         You should. start your presentation at right time and finish it in right time, So it is highly essential for the presenter to follow the time management techniques. You must understand the value of time and respect the audience about their presence since they arrived for the presentation by sparing their valuable time. So time management and respect for time is an essential component of presentation.

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