Friday, 29 June 2018

Learning strategies the-process of learning

             With the rapid change in technology lot of changes occur frequently in day to day working of the industry.The change in technology and information required by the industry has to adopt quickly by its employees. The industry is looking for some special traits like "learning to learn" or "lifelong learning" characteristic in its employees. Learning strategies ensures fast and permanent learning by an individual. There is a systematic way of learning induced through learning structures.
                 Learning is said to be change in behavior of learner. The change in behavior occurs due to response or experience received by the learner. The learning is also represented by S-R theory. It shows that the stimuli received by sensory organs create response by the body of the human being and that response is stored in the memory as the piece of learning. Whenever in future such type of stimulus is confronted, the brain cells record this response from the memory and accordingly compel the human being to change his behavior to negotiate the stimulus.

Learning process

            Learning process is defined as the relatively permanent change in behavior of a learner. This change in behavior is under the influence of experience which learner has stored in his memory or brain or cognitive domain.

The learning process can be divided into 5 steps:

  1. Take in information through the senses.
  2. Figure out what it means.
  3. File it into memory.
  4. Later, recall it from memory and apply it.
  5. Feed it back to the outside world through some form of expressions, such as speech or writing.

Organization of knowledge

            The learning course in human being when learner is export to the learning environment. The teacher facilitates the learner to make learning process easier. The learning hierarchy will help learner to acquire the learning more systematically. It lasts more for a learner. The hierarchy of learning as the name indicates starts from lower level to higher level.


 Facts are the Undisputed statements, hence they are universally accepted. For example: Sun sets in the West, India won independence in 1947 etc. As a teacher it is always better to quote perfectly before students, related to the topic. The facts narrated to the learner help to reinforce his faith in the learning phenomena.


Everything in nature is itself a concept. There may be simple and complex concepts or even lower order and higher order concepts.
  • Concept is a set of objects or events that share common characteristics.
  • Concepts are mental tools for describing the world.
  • Concepts are generalities.
  • Generalities are abstractions that is, they describe a set of specific instances.

          For example "friction" is concept, "current" is a concept and so on. Every concept has its own characteristic called as attributes of concepts. Say for example the attributes of friction are as follows:
                                         Friction = oppose the motion
                                                       = depends on the nature of surface in contact
                                                       = is independent of 

             In this case friction is concrete concept and current is abstract concept. Concrete concept can be shown through example. For abstract concept only effect can be perceived. Abstract concept cannot be seen or touched but can be experienced. For example force cannot be seen but experienced.


Principal consists of two or more concept. The student will easily understand the principle of the related concepts are properly learnt by the student. For example Newton's third law of motion States "For every action, there is a equal and opposite reaction" in this principal the action reaction equal and opposite are four different concepts. If the teacher at the beginning makes all the four related concepts clear then the principal will be easily understood and remembered forever by the learner.
  • It is a statement about casual or correlation relationships
  • Principles are potentially the most useful type of knowledge for explaining how the world works.
  • Teaching principles (knowledge of cause and effects) can vastly increase their flexibility as problem solver enabling them to troubleshoot, innovate and invent rules and procedures based on their knowledge of cause and effects.
  • However, teaching principal is difficult and it is of an easier to teach flats rules of thumb than to teach Complex descriptions of casual systems. often learners are taught principles (knowledge of cause and effect) without much help on how to apply (use) principles.


         The procedure is the method which indicate the steps about how to complete the particular procedure. For example the "how to start the petrol engine?" or "how to start the car" is a procedure.
  • A procedure is a set of sequential steps design to solve a specific problem that always presents itself in the same way and needs to be demonstrated.
  • Every procedure has a goal to solve the problem.
  • Procedures can be learned at both the remember and application level.

        For example the procedure to start Car may be listed below:
 See that car is in natural condition and release the hand brake if applied
  1.  Start the engine keep; keep it running for some time.
  2.  Press the clutch and put the first gear.
  3. Slightly release the clutch so that motor engine engages with rear wheel assembly.
  4.  Release the full clutch gradually and raise the accelerated simultaneously.
  5.  Go on changing second third and fourth gear as the car picks up the speed.

This procedure looks simple but it contains number of Concept like neutral, gear clutch, brake, accelerator, motor, engine, Speed etc.


              It is the highest order content of learning as it implies the use of knowledge in practical situation/ new situation. It is the test of learner also; about how much he has learnt. The teacher should use this from/content after completion of every topic or subtopic. The of problem situation is not only helpful to student but it also gives feedback to the concerned teacher about the success of his teaching methodology. Teacher gives suggestions to students if any change is required for effective learning process. Such problem situations may be created by the in the laboratory or classroom and ask students to react or respond to the situations.

Learning techniques 

               Understanding your own preferred learning styles can help you study more effectively by using techniques that can really improve the way you are: 
  • pursuing information 
  • processing information 
  • organizing and presenting information

Perceiving information 

                When we gather information about the world around us we employ all our senses. But some of us employ one sense more than others. In fact, each of us uses all available senses to absorb information. But you may find it helpful to confirm that you are strength are with regard to perception.
  • Sight 
  • hearing(Auditory)
  •  reading/ writing 
  • other sensations

Processing information

 Once you've acquired information (by listening, reading, etc), You then process it mentally (by thinking about it and memorize it) you will have to natural preference for how you:
  •  Grasp information
  •  Order information
  • Engage with information

Organizing and presenting information

 Finally, there is how you choose to share information with others. You will have to preference for how you: 
  • Organised information with Holistic overview, or with detailed and logical analysis.
  •  Present information verbally or using images.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Unique tips to develop positive attitude!!!!

Guidelines for developing positive attitude

Following are the some tips to develop your positive attitude:

Practice smiling

You must practice smiling when you don't feel like smiling. When there seems to be subconscious weight holding your lips from spreading wide into a genuine grin that is when you practice. Fake  smiles don't count. Make silly face at yourself, speak to yourself in strange voices, record  found memories or look at funny pictures.We all have a humorous weak spot, find it and exploit it. learn to let go off your grouchy glare or pout. A smile  needs, room to work with.

Practise meditating

An effective meditation can allow you to speak directly to your subconscious mind. Ppractice meditating and speaking positive words into your soul. remember to breathe deeply. exhale all your negative thoughts, inhale all that positive. Sometime it helps to focus on happiness switch or button deep inside you and practice flipping it on.

Practice letting go

We tend to hold on tightly to the things that bother us. Doing this causes us to settle into a negative mindset, prolong a bad mood, and can keep us awake at night. If you find yourself obsessed with the same thoughts repeatedly it's time to let them go. You can practice letting go by telling yourself to let go and then consciously let the thoughts drift away. Let a  newfound Peace of Mind settle firmly in their place, if they pop back let them sleep away again don't get frustrated. Every Failure is an opportunity for more practise.

Practice optimism

Sometimes it's hard to see the good in something without a trained eye. Increasing our optimism is easy if you practice it. You can do it anytime by counting your blessing or listening the good things you experienced today. For more difficult practice you have to speak out the good in a bad situation and make it prominent. However optimism is more than simply recognizing the good in something. You must also find enjoyment and appreciation for the brighter side of life and use it to flip pessimism on. Its  head. As your optimism increase you will begin to realize you can find Positives in every negative.

Practice love

The most powerful passage for component of happiness is undoubtedly love. It is hard to think about yourself and your problems while giving love and attention to someone else. To practice love you must help others in any way you can often it takes no more than listening to a friends problems, offering a random hug a smile. You could help someone in need and offer encouragement to one who is disheartened. sincere compliments are another way to give love and appreciations. The ways in which to practice love are endless. Just focus on granting someone else a reason to smile carefully. You may very well end up by sharing that same smile.

Love what you do

positive attitude is definitely developed when you start loving your job, your work, or study or whatever you are perform. The most important part in this is identify the thing in your work, which you like most. Example study can be done by primarily three ways, say reading, writing, speaking or out of this which thing you like the most do that. That will definitely give you pleasure as well as you will come to know about importance of other thing also. Later you also start loving others too. Thus practice of developing positive attitude goes on.

Also read:

What is good attitude

self analysis

Monday, 25 June 2018

What is attitude, how to be a good person

 Expectations at work

Due to rapidly changing situations in the industry it is expected that person working in the organisation shall possess a right attitude towards all aspects of his work, duties and responsibilities. This will also assist to create positive environment around him.


Maintaining a positive attitude even in difficult situations is important characteristic that will help students achieve success, Students need to learn to recognize the cause and effect of negative attitudes and see how the attitude affect others around them. They can then work towards changing negative attitudes into healthy ones having a positive attitude equips students with ability to learn and grow through their fears and frustrations and interact upper appropriately with others.


An attitude is a predisposition to act or field in a certain way towards a person or thing. Attitude are generally positive or negative views of a person, place, thing or event this is often referred to as the attitude object. People can also be conflicted or ambivalent towards an object meaning that they simultaneously process both positive and negative attitudes towards the object in every situation.

Types of attitudes

Positive attitude

It means to keep a set of Ideas values and thoughts that tend to look for the good, to advance, to overcome problem, to find the opportunities in every situation. A positive attitude is seeing the glass half full.
           The effect of positive attitude through different stages leading to success as shown in below figure:

Negative attitude

A negative attitude is self defending solutions to problems in life cannot be found by looking for someone or something to blame the effect of negative attitude is elaborated in the figure below indicating various stages leading to frustration:

            It is observed that person with positive attitude are optimistic and with negative attitude are Pessimistic, following table describe behavior of such persons:

Component of attitude (ABC model)

Attitudes are generally considered to be made up of 3 elements:

Affective component

  • Feelings(related to hurt)
  • Based on physiological nervous reactions to an object. or situation or person.
           This part of attitude is related to the statement which affects another person for example in an organisation a personal report is to be given to the general manager. Looking at the report general manager pointed out that he felt the sales staff has not performed his due to responsibilities, The general manager forwards a written notice to the marketing manager to negative with the sales staff.

Behavioral intentions

  • An observable reaction
  • e.g to purchase a particular book
The behavioral component refers to the dead part of attitude which reflects the intentions of person in short term or in long term.

Cognitive component

  • Beliefs( related to mind)
  • What a person believes to be true about an idea, event, person, activity or object.
It refers to that part of attitude which is related to a person's thought for example he says smoking is injurious to health such type of idea of a person is called cognitive component of attitude.
             Cognition affect and behavior are interrelated with each other the following example in the illustrate such relationships.

Functions of attitude

  1. Adjustment
  • Attitude helps persons adjust to situations.
  • People seek group acceptance in order to gain price or rewards and avoid punishment.

      2. Ego defensive

  •  Attitudes are formed to protect the "Ego".

      3. Value expressive

  • Person's attitude are often a reflection of their values.


  • Attitudes help person to make decisions.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Need of self analysis

Expectations at work

Candidates in the industry carry out work in two modes individual work and group work. It is highly expected now that a candidate must have a very clear idea about his characteristics, qualities, disabilities, limitations and knowledge. Furthermore this should not be just on paper but it should be revealed through his behavior, presentation and methodology of doing tasks. He or she must have a perfect and clear understanding of himself or herself. Self analysis is the requirement of employer as well as employee also Industries require work force having huge amount of self confidence among them.


In today's world of competition "self analysis" is very important for every student. The Rapid change in technology has compelled the world of work to change fast in order to survive in cut throat competition. This has resulted in frequent changes in the state of knowledge, attitude and skills desired by the industry. It may likely be that the knowledge and skills acquired by the students may be absolute when he or she will be coming out of the institute. On his backdrop the self analysis helps students to know the details of additional set of knowledge and skills required in changing demand of industries for a specific employment.

Self analysis


It may be viewed as every individual is a unique personality with his or her specific peculiar personality traits for characteristic this traits are characteristic altogether describe the whole personality of every individual; this may be defined as self.. Self is an indicator of very existence of own.


It may be identified as setof attitude, aptitude, physical, mental and behavioral characteristic; which embark upon the style in which the individual is going to present himself or herself before others outside world.


              The word "SWOT" indicate the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats of one's personality. Actually SWOT analysis in strategic tool used by many for the corporate companies to find out it is position in the competitive environment by studying the potential strengths and weakness and possible opportunities and threats to their  company. On the same lines one can predict the SWOT factors of his and her own personality.
             One thing is to be made crystal clear here that strength and weaknesses factors are the present factor due to characteristic traits of your personality where as opportunities and threats are factor in future (you may receive or face) due to your strength and weakness respectively.

             Some of the examples of traits of personality may be, you are impressive personality, excellent communication skill,  large number of friends, good voice, good player of any game, good convincing ability, good physique etc.Similarly the weakness of personality may be the negative points like short-tempered, highly sensitive, poor in communication skills, shyness, lack of general knowledge etc.
             The person with good voice as strength may probably get opportunity to sing on radio station or he or she may win any singing competition. On the other hand person with poor communication ability may not be in a position to give speech on Dias and so on in this way one has to critically examine own personality and list out SWOT factors for further improvement and development.

Methodology for conducting SWOT analysis

The person who is carrying out SWOT analysis has to use following steps and enter in the sheet given below:
  • Consider one's own strength or abilities and make list.
  • Analyse one's weakness or shortcomings and list them.
  • Think of probable opportunities to make use of strengths and reduce shortcomings.
  • Identify probable hurdles or difficulties which can be overcome in future.

              Analysis helps in deciding the action to be taken for self development.

Guidelines for self analysis

  • Analyse own strengths and weakness without comparing or considering that of others.
  • Observe the outcome from self analysis without any prejudice in mind.
  • Accept the outcome as it comes if it is negative concentrate on how to minimize or eliminate negative things and it is positive just accept it calmly and think on the methods of improving it.
  • If the outcome from self analysis is not correct then in that case two think might happen:
  1. The rules and regulations of self analysis have not been followed with extreme honesty.
  2. The method itself may be wrong or you have not understood the concept of Analysis Theory and due to lack of understanding of Concept a random application is made by you which has no base and do not contain any truth and reality.
  • In such situation it is better to consult a person who knows better.
  • List down the remedies for weakness and apply all those tools in your day to day life without fail.
  • Remember that self analysis carried out for improvement for use different methods based assessment procedure to find out own strength and weakness
  • One has to remember that there is nothing like pass fail or distinction in case of self analysis therefore never apply this academic parameters of success to self analysis.
  • Self analysis is just like a mirror as mirror used as an idea about or physical appearance self analysis is an idea about internal aspects of personality. Is focus on concept of self.


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Planning a group discussion         Institutions require to plan in advance before conducting a Group Discussion. The number of members ...